Surprise: In addition to Captain America, Superman and Wonder Woman can also use Thor’s hammer deliciously

Surprise: In addition to Captain America, Superman and Wonder Woman can also use Thor's hammer deliciously 2

Marvel fans are probably no strangers to the rule: Only those who are worthy can use the thunder hammer Mjolnir.

For Thor, the Mjolnir hammer is a weapon that has been with him since the first movies.

So besides the two superheroes above, who else has the strength and qualifications to use this powerful hammer?

Specifically, in the story collection Thor: The Worthy #1 released last week, our god of thunder had the opportunity to encounter a strange mirror, allowing him to see realities parallel to the world.

Of course, with a series of stories in the complex and constrained Marvel Comics universe, they cannot arbitrarily draw whatever they want, all of which have appropriate reasons.

Surprise: In addition to Captain America, Superman and Wonder Woman can also use Thor's hammer deliciously

Even though it’s just a very small cameo detail (Superman and Wonder Woman don’t even appear directly in Thor: The Worthy #1), it can’t be ruled out that this will be a source of inspiration for the script team of Thor.

After all, Captain America retired in Avengers: Endgame, and Thor will also retire from the MCU after the movie Love and Thunder (November 5, 2021), so how many people are capable of using Mjolnir and Stormbreaker?

Surprise: In addition to Captain America, Superman and Wonder Woman can also use Thor's hammer deliciously

According to WeGotThisCover

Surprise: In addition to Captain America, Superman and Wonder Woman can also use Thor's hammer deliciously

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