Besides his composure, King’s power also comes from deduction, or rather, illusion from his enemies.

Besides his composure, King's power also comes from deduction, or rather, illusion from his enemies. 2

Besides his composure, King’s power also comes from deduction, or rather, illusion from his enemies.

Besides his composure, King’s power also comes from deduction, or rather, illusion from his enemies.

Furthermore, Irelia is also a counter to many long-range carry types that are popular in the meta as she can reach the target quite easily with Sword Strike.


It’s true that Ahri was nerfed in version 12.5b, but it’s still not enough to make this unit disappear from the meta, and this unit has even become stronger now.

With such a play style, it is clear that the 5 Gang squad will be the most suitable for Ahri at the present time when she also needs to recover strongly.

Besides his composure, King's power also comes from deduction, or rather, illusion from his enemies.


After the buff in version 12.5, Draven is much stronger as he is no longer so dependent on VIP effects to `carry the team`.

In terms of lineup, the Thanh Lich team with VIP Draven is always the number one choice for gamers as it helps your main force not have to move but still causes strong damage.

Besides his composure, King's power also comes from deduction, or rather, illusion from his enemies.

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